
Herr Fleischauer is a sculptor and performer using organic materials such as animal hides, bones, flowers, blood and his own skin. In his public rituals he turns humans into living sculptures and instruments, including his own body. Through a mix of agony and euphoria Louis falls into a state of trance. His sculptures are a reflection of this experience.The Aesthetic Meat Foundation was formed to shatter the TV-crippled belief system of our so-called "modern world" by introducing apocalyptic art/culture to the main stream. With apocalyptic they do not mean Dooms Day. They see the Apocalypse or Ragnarok more as the change of Aeons, a cleansing process, and the decline of the "modern world".
A fundamental principle in A-M-F is to unleash dynamic states of consciousness through pain, ecstasy as tool for self awareness?
Pain, exhaustion and euphoria have been utilized since ancient times to alter states of consciousness. We utilize those ritual practices and sometimes combine them with modern technology (simulated brain wave frequencies, translation of pain into sound, lights etc) in order to gain different states of self awareness.
What represents for you self awareness? And from an individual point, how this self awareness is related to worship pleasure and experience of ecstasy in your existence in this physical plane?
Self Awareness is ever present as long you are consciously aware of any part of your self, to befully self aware you need to explore the hidden corners of your (sub)-consciousness, the ritual of self worship through pleasure and ecstasy is one way to experience your inner Self to the fullest.
Or do you think your art, transcends all senses in this plane? A-M-F is a gate to your own transcendental reality through carnal experimentation to connect yourself with another dimension of a psychic/spiritual Character?
While I utilize all senses known to be consumed by the flesh of the beholder in my art, there are dimensions and demons that need to be excavated in private. None the less A-M-F can definitely be seen as a ritual tool to shape-shift realities for everyone involved.

The ultimate goal of A-M-F's public rituals is to help the participant to reach a state of mind that is awakening to a point where the mind is able to reconnect with its primordial self. What to do with this knowledge is up to the individual.
How was transformed in your mind the creative idea to generate this symbiosis between flesh, blood, sounds, through AESTHETIC MEAT FRONT?
It all started out with a small piece of meat during my first stage experience in 1993, working with this raw element triggered something in my mind, the law of natural evolution did the rest.
And how has been the development at psychic level, since the beginning in 1996 to now year 2008 according your experiences in visual art as transformation bodyand sculptures?
These days I communicate with the audience more on a level of internal intensity rather then externally. My Sculptures are no longer just wearable art, they have transformed into tools for psychological games (for example chastity belts with hooks, hoods with sound chambers, that cover and blindfold your face, that have springs connected to your body).
And in which way the works of A.O.Spare, Wilhelm Reich, Lovecraft, and Crowley have inspired you in one or another way for your personal development which is obviously reflected in A-M-F?
Spare: His mind was absolutely beautiful. On a practical level I found his form of Kaos magic and experiments with white noise very useful. But also been highly inspired by his writing and drawings.
Crowley: The exercise of Will, his tragic ending as warning, but most of all his "Liber O.Z." themanifesto of the rights of mankind.
Reich: His Orgone theory, especially with the high concentration of orgone in blood which goes well with the Aztec "Tonally"(animating spirit), the energy that keeps the universe in motion. This energy is the essential nourishment of the gods. The core source of this alluring energy is the nectar of life.
Lovecraft: How he gets your mind spinning by only giving hints and lets your fantasy do the rest. The reader can't just consume a finished product, the reader has to participate, and no one will have the exact same experience. It's this form of shape-shifting reality within the mind of the reader that truly inspired me for my public rituals.

Evolution in my definition is a change that has to be beneficial to the subject that goes through a transformation. On a personal level, I believe one needs to be willing to understand it's inner demons in order to become completely self aware, for this is the foundation of spiritual growth. A neutral state of mind can only be benefits for a very limited period of time before it breeds stasis. Struggle is the engine of evolution.Unfortunately mankind likes comfort and stability a bit too much for it's own good and thus humanity has entered a state of de-volution. The general population uses technology and mass communication mostly as tool to kill off their senses and intellect. They numb themselves with entertainment that offers non-information and over stimulation. Our bodies become monstrous lard puppets that have to be transported in wheelchairs, 3-9% off all children have Attention Deficit Disorder, our brains can't process the simple mathematical transaction without acalculator and god only knows how this interview would look without Spell Check!
Tell us a few, about the great development, and general concept behind “Temple Of Flesh” album, and its connection with invocation of blood sun rituals2003/2004?
"Temple of Flesh" is a momentous release in many ways. It is A-M-F's 10 Year anniversary release. The package is a mix of A-M-F history and a reflection of to this dates our most intense ritual series. I made 3 versions of this release:the regular edition:CD, elegantly packaged in a DVD case, Temple of Flesh comes with 6 double-sided cards reflecting the essence of an A-M-F ritual.
"10 Years of Public Deprogramming" edition (limited to 180) with the Temple of Flesh CD, the Blood Sun Rising DVD-r, 996 006 CDR of unreleased Materials and remixes of 1 track of each previous releases. The Flesh Box was limited to only 27 had all the above plus scripts from public rituals, and propaganda posters soaked in cow blood, skull and bone fragments and other remains from previous rituals.
Yet most intriguing part of the Flesh Box was a surprise of un-released material from the A-M-F archives, such as original video tapes from early A-M-F rituals, cdrs with, raw sound sources, cassette tapes, and floppydiscs of songs and sounds. All this was packaged in a wound covered skin jacket, hand sculpted by myself. Each Flesh Box will was unique and included different original material from the A-M-F archives.
The "Blood Sun Rituals" was a series of Public Rituals based on this invocation:
Can you feel your deep desire burning
Are you afraid of your temple of flesh,
Are you afraid to lose your mind in the abyss of ecstasy,
Look around you, are you fulfilled living in this reality,
Is you PC flesh satisfied,Does your media brain need an upgrade,
Thank you for being a valuable part of the economic
food chain,
Every human is a potential threat to our security,
Consumer terrorists everywhere,
Sleeper cells that will never awaken,
for they've diedlong ago,Feed your innermost flame,
Cut open your flesh, inflame your mind,
re-open yourwounds,
This moment only is true,
Spirit cleansed in pain,
burned in pleasure and rebornin blood,
Temple of Flesh set my soul on fire!

At your live rituals, lots of blood is spread from your own, obviously a high quantity of energy is released. Is known some Qliphotic entities need the energy of blood to enter this existential plane... How do you handle such energies and is blood for you a key to a primal state of consciousness?
Never had any problems with blood hungry creatures from outer space, but blood is most definitely a key to primal state of consciousness, the first act in our life in to be covered in blood and embryonic fluids, blood represents birth and death, an open wound is a reflection of the gate to the womb we all want to return to, yet the same wound is also a mirror to your own mortality, how much more primal can you get?
What do you feel, visualize, think when doing suspension, floating in the void covered in blood and experience ecstasy of “pain” ?
I never think when I hang. Visualization and feelings all depend on the environment; I'm very sensitive to what happens around me, sound, light and also the human energy of the audience play a large factor on what is going on in my mind, while I'm travelling above the ground.
Does your primal instincts having any connection with Atavistic Shamanic Teutonic tribes, or Aztec cults, knowing they worship blood as an universal consciousness, a gate between two dimensions (earth/beyond)?
When we invoke our primal instinct we tap into the same vein our forefathers did during their rituals, no matter which gods they invoked.
I know a split Cd between A-M-F/PSYCHONAUT 75 was, could you tell us a few more about this album?
Michael Ford and I have share some of the same visions and are natural allies. I worked with Dana Dark and Ugly Shyla before, one thing let to another and we decided to work on a joint release reflecting our rituals.
I don't want to talk for Psychonaut 75's part of the release, as it is not my creation, but here is the info behind the A-M-F half of this release:The raw material for tracks 2 and 3 is taken from “Pure Kaos Against Total Control”- a public deprogramming ritual, performed in London in November of 2001.
The smell of fear and burning flesh filled the air. Needles penetrated my head and hooks pierced the skin of my back. The taste of noise and pain laid on my chanting tongue. I’m apiece of meat, hanging from hooks above the ground. I’m past the point of agony, I’m dead, nolonger, blood streaming down my face, I have become the Phoenix. The focus of this recording was to capture this moment of transformation by painting a sonique landscape that reflects my experience and interpretation of the Bird Of Oblivion.Other sounds used in this recording are samples of human bone and the removal of flesh, blood, as well a variety of samples taken from unconventional instruments that have been refined at the studio.

You says: “fear is a tool to awaken people, to confront people with their own fears”. so, I ask you: How do you confront your own fears? Are fears inhibitions and mental infections imposed by modern society?
Best Way to confront your fear is to face it, I try to do this when ever possible, sometimes that can not be so easily accomplished.You just need to spend 2 minutes at the airport to see how fears are pounded into the minds of the travellers. Look at how often the word SAFETY is invoked. Every time you use a word like SAFETY, SECURITY, BE CAREFUL, etc you automatically suggest that there is somethingto be afraid of. Our society fetishizes those words and media wants us to believe that there is a faceless Terrorist on the way to our own bedrooms.
Is each ritual of A-M-F a personal entrance to a psychic, spiritual, corporal pattern in which you die and reborn, a creation and dissolution of your own reality based in pain, ecstasy and pleasure?
All A-M-F rituals are different, sometimes I die, sometimes I'm reborn, sometimes dissolution comes in form of depression the days after the ritual. The days after a Suspension awareness is still extremely strong, but one is taken out of the fleshly beautiful set of the ritual, and put back into the meaninglessness of our daily conduct just so we can survive in this plastic world.
Last week you were in Amsterdam generating the “Symphony Of Flesh” live ritual...Could you comment us about such performance and the general concept behind it?
“A Symphony of Flesh” performs rituals turning humans into instruments through body modification, transforming the agony and euphoria of the stage into sonique energy to be devoured by the audience. The energy is designed to slowly build and intensity as the ritual goes on. As the energy gains on intensity the audience is encouraged to participate by playing those human instruments and thus add and manipulate the level of ferociousness.
Before finishing with this conversation, is of high interest to know what comes for A-M-F activities relating new albums, live performances, etc?
2008 is going to be a year of personal transformation and soul searching, not sure how much time I will have to spend on new records, but there are some seeds planted, one just needs to see how long the need to blossom. There are going to be a very few public rituals this year, if all goes well one of them will be in Tokyo this summer.
well, this was a very interesting conversation Mr. Fleischauer, keeps on opening your flesh and thanks a lot for your support!! Feel free to close this interview as you want!Initiate your primal instincts to comprehend your inner demons and read them like books of knowledge.
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